These are just beautiful!!!
Hello everyone. I was surfing on Pinterest the other day and came across these beautiful pillowcases. What a wonderful way to brighten any room. Maybe you cant crochet, but what a reason to learn. Its been a long time since I've seen my crochet needles, but this is going to make me dig them out and give this a try. Another "to do" on my list for this coming winter projects.
Crochet Like Crazy...
Welcome to the final week of On the Edge...
This weeks task: Crochet Edging...FINALLY!!!
Difficulty Level: 2 Chocolates plus 3 Bonus Chocolates, just for fun
It's time for the icing on the cake, the crowning glory, the creme-de-la-creme, the Bomb with a capital B. Get the hook out, ladies. Let's crochet like crazy. (insert wild excited screams here)
To get the party started...
Eat a chocolate. A girl's gotta be fortified.
Load your hook with a slip knot. Make sure you have about an 8" tail. Don't cut the tail.
Slide your hook under a blanket stitch. Start your stitch from the right side of the pillow case. I like to start by the side seam.
Complete a single crochet.
Directions for how to start the first single crochet: Slide hook under blanket stitch. Hook working yarn (yarn on skein), bring it under the blanket stitch, yarn over hook and through both loops on the crochet hook.
In the same manner, work two more single crochets into the same blanket stitch.
Stitch three single crochets into each blanket stitch all the way around the pillow case. This will be the foundation for the scallop pattern.
When you get back to where you started:
- Chain one;
- Single crochet into the first foundation stitch you made;
- Skip two foundation stitches;
- Stitch FIVE double crochets into the next foundation stitch (all five double crochets go into the SAME foundation stitch);
- Skip two foundation stitches;
- Stitch a single crochet into the next foundation stitch;
- Skip two foundation stitches;
- Stitch FIVE double crochets into the next foundation stitch;
- Skip two foundation stitches;
- Single crochet into the next foundation stitch.
Don't adjust your monitor. This next photo of the first completed scallop is really blurry. Eat another chocolate. Maybe then you won't notice so much.
Continue the scallop pattern (sc, skip 2, 5 dc, skip 2) all the way around the pillowcase.
When you get back where you started, slip stitch into the first single crochet of the pattern. (A slip stitch simply means to insert your hook, pull the working yarn through the stitch and through the loop on your hook. It is a way to connect things.)
Cut your working yarn about 10" inches from the hook. Make the loop on your hook kind of big-ish. Put the end of the working yarn through the loop and pull to tighten. Do not cut the tail.
You now have two "tails" of yarn to deal with. Weave the yarn tails, one at a time, through at least two scallops. To do this, put the yarn tail on a needle. Sneak the needle through the middle of the stitches. Pull the yarn through. I usually weave the yarn in for about 5" in one direction and then come back the other way for an inch or two. Pull the yarn taut. Trim yarn close to your work. Give your work a little tug. The end should "disappear". Weave in the other yarn tail.
You are done! Fini! Completo! You go girl. Slip a pillow into your new Posh Pillowcase. Doesn't it look dandy? Find a sunny spot on the couch. Lay your head on the new Posh Pillow and enjoy those last three chocolates. You deserve it.
Thanks so much for sewing, and crocheting, and eating chocolates with me. Up next at You Go Girl...a tutorial on how to let your jeans out. Chocolate always comes with a price tag. Just kidding. Actually, sometime in the next couple of weeks I will post the pattern for this crochet border. Stay tuned.
And finally, I have started an On the Edge... Flickr group to post pictures of your amazing work. You can join here. I am dying to see all your lovely lovelies
Check this site out. Wonderful ideas and instructions.