Dogies, Dogies, Dogies, Dogies
Did you know you can treat your dog with essential oils much like you use them for yourself and your family? You can!
Dogs tolerate EOs very well but just as humans vary in size, age and doses, so it is with dogs too. Dogs can be treated aromatically, topically and internally. When applying topically, a great choice is to massage oils into pads of paws and between toes.
Dog Care Essentials
1. Frankincense: Anxiety, Colitis, Inflammation, Infections, Insect-Snake bites, Scarring, Tumors, Warts
2. Helichrysum: Bleeding, Liver Issues, Nerve Damage, Wound Care
3. Lavender: Abscesses, Anxiety, Allergies, Burns, Conjuntivitis, Inflammation, Tumors, Vertigo, Wound Care
4. Lemon: Anxiety, Electrolyte Balance, Immune Boost, Infections, Lymph Function, Claw Strength
5. Melissa: Anxiety, Chronic Cough, Depression, Flu, Herpes, Immune Support
6. Oregano: Bronchitis, Colds, Infections, MRSA, Ringworm, Strep, Staph
7. Peppermint: Asthma, Bronchitis, Diarrhea, Fever, Heatstroke, Inflammation, Muscle Pain, Ulcers
8. AromaTouch: Circulatory Issues, Heatstroke, Overworked Muscles
9. Balance: Anxiety, Displasia, for joint issues: add Lemongrass and Deep Blue
10. DigestZen: Allergies, Diarrhea, Digestive Parasites, Ulcers, Vomiting
11. Immortelle: Anxiety, Bleeding, Inflammation, Nerve Damage, Scarring, Tumors, Wound Care
12. On Guard: Abscesses, Colds, Flu, Immune Support, MRSA, Oral Health, Parasites, Spider Bites
13. Serenity: Anxiety, Burns, Inflammation, Wound Care
14. Zendocrine: Kidney and Bladder Infections, Liver Support
Additional Remedies
Fly and Flea Spray (dogs & horses):
4 to 6 drops each of Purify and Thyme in a 16 oz spray bottle, fill with distilled water. Spray lightly, avoiding the eyes
Tooth and Gum Loss Health:
8 to 10 drops of On Guard in a 2oz glass bottle, fill with fractionated coconut oil. Apply to gums and teeth morning and night.
Kennel Cough:
Combine 25 drops each of Breathe, Lime and Thyme. Diffuse! Apply topically with a drop of Balance to paws 4 - 6x daily.
Essential Oils Truly are for.....Everyone!